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As a part of a Digital Humanities course for computer science students from Ben Gurion University taught by Yael Netzer, we collected a lot of data from IMDB, analyzed the data and visualized it into maps, graphs and lists.

The purpose of this site is to present those results.

The purpose of the project is to see and show changes through the years in comedy movies, while assuming those changes reflect on the popularity of different issues and subjects discussed in the world during that time. What did people laugh about and where through 100 years ago? how did it change until now?

  • Select Topic modeling to see a dynamic slider which maps to each year it's most popular topics with weights. bigger words have larger effect. The topics were calculated by all the keywords in a given year, using Mallet.

  • Select map to see google fusion table and maps with all the data, you query the data base from there.

  • Select a decade to see a dynamic map of the 10 most popular subjects of comedies in that time for each country. In addition, see the 10 most popular comedies subjects in the whole world during that decade.

  • Select keywords to see how this issue changed through the years in comedy movies (and perhaps in the world?). For example, we can see that comedy on wars were very popular during WW1 and WW2. Another example is we can see that femenism is getting more popular through the years.

  • You can download our data from the download tab.

Have fun!

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